Wednesday 1 February 2017

RON97 & RON95 is now @ RM2.60/litre & RM2.30/litre respectively

The festive period has not ended, of course it is the best time to rake in all the profit as traveling is still heavy and consumption of petrol is still high.  So, the fake news of RM0.15 increase was indeed very fake where the real increment is set at RM0.20/litre for RON95 and RON97.  Ouch!  Already with extra spending for the Chinese New Year, now we are hit with such unreasonable increase where the crude oil price has dropped slightly.

So, is that a way our government wishes us Gong Xi Fa Cai and best wishes to all?!  Thinking of getting a motorcycle license, but the death rate of cyclist is just too high to justify for that.  Maybe Bus 11!