Tuesday 27 August 2013

It is not any bunny battery, but one that last and run your car!

Isn't it frustrating when you are about to fetch your car to work, a meeting appointment, or going home for a nice warm dinner, just to find out the battery had gone flat!  How long can a car battery last?  Majority brand still giving 12-month, some even making 22/24-month warranty.  Last weekend, my sis-in-law almost new Saga BLM battery by the brand RAMCAR just died after 10-months. Helped her changed a Panasonic and let's hope this will last!

My experience though, the Korean Delkor has never fail me.  Since starting using it many years ago, on a Citroen C3, it lasted more than 3 years.  It did not fail, just the terminal started corroding when I have to swap it for a new Delkor.  Recently, when I started feeling the morning start is not as smooth, I got another Delkor again, with the existing unit lasting 4 years to be exact.  The Honda City factory installed unit lasted about 15-month, after which a Delkor was used and it is almost 3 years now, still running strong.  The MX, when I bought it, came with a brand new lousy battery which lasted about 13-month, but now it will go strong with a Delkor again.

There isn't any battery bunny here that keep walking and walking, but this thing really last. The distributor (Kai Shen Marketing) simple does not know how to market the brand as you can hardly see it in most workshops. Insist on this brand, and most shops will get it for you.  It cost some slight premium, but it is all worth the money.