Monday 26 August 2013

It's hot in here! Call in the A/C doctor...

It has been a month since my MX-5 A/C was not running optimally.  When I drove at night, it was cool, otherwise with the transmission box sitting between the 2-seater, having the top down was more comfortable, but with the haze and rampant robberies, it was safer to sweat it all out.

The car is 8-year-old now, not going to spent a fortune with Bermaz to get this fix.  Thus I tried a neighbourhood workshop.  They put in the pressure meter, running the aircon, blowing cold air (just not freezing cold), confirmed compressor is running well, receiver drier not freezing, pressure showing correctly, so suspect of gas shortage was also ruled out.  They told me to check the expansion valve, which need to tear down the dashboard.  Not prepared to do so to my Nordic Green MX, endure the heat for another 2 weeks.

Finally, brought the car to Beta Resources, to check the beast out.  They plugged in the Air Solver machine, check the pressure...showing low.  First suspect shortage of gas.  To proof that, the machine vacuum the gas out, short of 100.  The previous shop must have a wrongly calibrated gauge (which workshop calibrate them anyway).  Re-gas it, viola, immediately the car is feeling so much cooler.  They performed leakage check as well, all was well.  I decided to take up the package to clean the A/C system, with new compressor oil and UV addictive.  With Autodata on hand, the technician knew which viscosity grade of oil to use for my model.  Wow, I did not know A/C also need special oil treatment, though of any Singer oil will work just fine.  Hell no, my MX and other Mazda's model uses different grade!  The machine took about an hour to complete and I am back on the road with not just a cool but also cold car!

When it's hot in there, give it a try! 

Clean, tidy workshop

Air Solver machine

Dirty Compressor Oil

Another machine, similar function